Sunday 9 October 2016

Design for a New Music Magazine

I am a long time reader, devourer, student and lover of music magazines. My interest in the magazines has even outstripped my interest in the music they discuss over the last handful of years.
I'll always be fascinated by the art directors decisions about where and why to place type, image, graphic and heading. Their ability to find new ways to make these elements appealing to the eye.

Here are my masthead, front cover and two spreads for a proposed magazine called Plastic. For those who are music mag lovers like me, imagine a reincarnated The Word!

I chose the font Rooster Serif, and I created logo which could be altered stylistically from flat to 3-D and which could have other stylistic tricks applied to it if desired. This is a technique which magazines such as The Word, Classic Rock, Mojo and Paste use really well. Create a logo-type which is recognisable and strong, but which will allow you the flexibility to play with its look without compromising its memorability.

I chose David Bowie as the featured artist for my cover and two page story. Because he was such a visually interesting figure, it allows for an abundance of possibilities when it comes to creating layouts.

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